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Top 5 Custom Walk-In Closet Features You Need

Ed Hammill • Jun 19, 2024
Top 5 Custom Walk-In Closet Features You Need

You want your walk-in closet to look great and function beautifully, but you might feel overwhelmed by the many different options available. There are so many features, organizers, and accessories to consider – where should you start?

I work with clients every day, and I’ve compiled a list of the top five custom walk-in closet features you need to transform and organize your space:

  • Custom shelving and drawers
  • Center island
  • Lighting
  • Full-length mirror
  • Seating area

At Distinctive Closets, we specialize in helping homeowners just like you achieve the organized and optimized closets and storage spaces of their dreams. We have been in business since 2005, and we add focus on creating unique solutions for each client we work with.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the most popular and most useful features for your walk-in custom closet. Keep reading to learn more!

Feature 1: Custom Shelving and Drawers

Custom shelving and drawers help you to use every inch of your walk-in closet effectively. If you were to go to a home improvement store and pick up a shelving unit, it may or may not fit in your closet. It would not take advantage of your unique space, including features, like sloped ceilings or a cubby hole access door. It also wouldn’t be designed for you and the items you store.

Custom shelves and drawers, however, are tailored for your individual needs. Imagine walking into your closet and seeing neat, tidy storage spaces that perfectly accommodate your belongings.

The benefits of custom shelving and drawers:

  • Maximum use of space: Customized storage spaces are designed to fit your space and your belongings. No space is wasted, and you won’t have too much or not enough of each type of storage.
  • Improved organization: Forget about rummaging through piles of clothing or searching for misplaced items. Everything you keep in your closet will have a place.
  • Sophisticated appearance: Custom shelves and drawers will complement the rest of your bedroom. We carry various finishes, hardware, and drawer styles, so you’ll be able to choose exactly what appeals to you.

Tips for implementation:

  • Make everything accessible: You’ll want to store frequently used items on the shelves and drawers that are most convenient to reach. If you have belongings you use only once in a while, you can put those on the corner shelves or in the top or bottom drawers.
  • Make it versatile: We can help you include a mix of shelving heights, drawer sizes, and even adjustable components. This will increase the overall versatility of your closet by giving you plenty of options to use for storing the different categories of items you own.
  • Further separate each space: Drawers and shelves are excellent for organization, but you may need additional separators or dividers to keep everything stacked or held more neatly. We offer options for you to consider, so as your closet designer during your free consultation.
A walk in closet filled with clothes and a mirror.

Feature 2: Center Island

If you really want to step up the luxury in your closet, consider adding a center island. This is what you need to transform your storage space into a well-appointed dressing room. Not only does it provide you with additional storage options but it also will give you a clear surface area to lay out your clothing, fold laundry, charge your phone, and more. 

Benefits of a center island:

  • Additional storage: A center island provides you with extra drawers, shelves, and other valuable storage space. You might use it for shoes, bags, folded clothes, and more. You’ll have everything within easy reach.
  • Workspace: The countertop of your center island gives you space to lay out your outfits, pack for a vacation, or even get some journaling or other work done. You can also use it as a place to stash items temporarily while you’re cleaning out your closet.
  • Luxurious feel: A center island makes your walk-in closet look and feel like a high-end boutique. You’ll feel elegant and sophisticated every time you enter your own personalized dressing area.

Tips for implementation:

  • Choose the right size: We can help you make sure the island is proportionate to your closet size. It should provide extra storage space without overwhelming the closet. You’ll also want to ensure there’s enough space to walk around the island since you’ll be accessing your items on all sides.
  • Integrate storage features: Customize your island with drawers and compartments. You might find it a great place to store your jewelry; we can install a lined jewelry drawer to hold your valuables. Shoe storage is also a great option for your center island.
  • Add a display area: A glass top or open shelving in your center island is the perfect place to store your favorite accessories, photos, or collections. Not only will it look amazing but it will also keep your valuable items at your fingertips.

Feature 3: Lighting

Good lighting is vital when you want visibility and functionality in your walk-in closet system. You’ll be able to find what you’re looking for, and lighting also elevates the way your closet makes you feel. It will seem more inviting and luxurious if you have a variety of attractive lighting. Some possibilities to consider include overhead lighting, talk lighting, and accent lighting.

Benefits of lighting in the custom closet: 

  • Better visibility: Having the right lighting makes it easier to see everything you want to access. You’ll spend less time searching for pieces, and items won’t get lost or forgotten in the dark recesses and corners of your closet.
  • Improved aesthetics: Really appreciate the colors, textures, and details of your wardrobe with nice, bright lights. Experimenting with different types of lighting can also make the space as a whole more visually appealing and boutique-like.
  • Luxurious feel: High-quality light fixtures give your closet an upscale look and feel. Walking into your beautifully lit closet each morning starts your day off right, as though you just came from an elegant store or hotel.

Tips for implementation:

  • Incorporate LED strip lights: LED lights are an excellent option for lighting up shelves, drawers, and hanging  areas. They provide bright light but don’t take up any space, so you can put them under shelves or cabinets or in other small areas to make a big impact.
  • Add a chandelier: A chandelier is a statement piece and can be a focal point of your closet. It not only lights up the space well, but it also adds decorative appeal.
  • Use natural light: If you have windows in your walk-in closet, add sheer curtains or blinds to maintain your privacy while also letting the sunlight in. Natural light can make the space feel larger and more inviting.
A walk in closet filled with lots of clothes and shoes.

Feature 4: Full-Length Mirror

A full-length mirror is essential in any walk-in closet. You’ll be able to watch your outfit come together piece by piece, so you look perfect when you walk out the door. It will also make your closet look and feel bigger. You can mount it on the wall or closet door, have it slide out only when you need it, or, if you have the space, have it free standing within the closet. My team can help you decide which option is best.

Benefits of a full-length mirror:

  • Complete outfit view: A full-length mirror allows you to see your outfit from head to toe. You’ll know right away if any element of your ensemble isn’t working, and you can assure yourself of a cohesive appearance before going out to face the day.
  • Enhanced space: Mirrors make spaces appear larger and brighter – thanks to their reflective surfaces. Your mirror will reflect your wardrobe and also the light in the room – making the space feel more expansive.
  • Beautiful decor: A mirror is stylish and can be decorative. Depending on your style, you might prefer a framed design or a sleek, modern mirror that fills a full wall. Whatever you choose, it will contribute to the closet’s overall appeal.

Tips for implementation:

  • Choose the right location: Position the mirror where it will be easy for you to see yourself. It isn’t helpful if your mirror is pointing toward a dark corner, so make sure the area is well-lit. If space is a consideration, think of a slide-out option.
  • Consider the mirror’s size: Make sure you can see your entire body. Tilting the mirror a bit will allow you to see your head down to your toes even if the mirror isn’t as tall as you are.
  • Don’t forget the lighting: You may need to add additional lighting to make the most of your mirror. Remember, it will reflect the light in front of it, so keep this in mind as you strive to lighten and brighten your closet. TaskRabbit offers some great ideas for closet lighting.

Feature 5: Seating Area

Many of my clients don’t even consider adding seating to their walk-in closets, but if you’re hoping to upgrade the luxuriousness and appeal of your space and if you have the room, seating is an excellent addition. Not only does it look cozy and inviting, but it will also provide you with a place to sit and put on your shoes or to lean against while trying on outfits. It will enhance your closet to the point that it becomes a bona fide dressing room, just like the ones at upscale retail stores.

Benefits of a closet seating area:

  • Comfortable space to sit down: You’ll have a comfy place to sit while getting dressed, which makes your mornings more relaxed and enjoyable. You might even use the seating as a place to read or catch up on emails away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of your house.
  • Enhanced functionality: Adding seating enables you to better use your space. You can use it for temporary functions, like setting a basket of laundry while you fold it or to help you sort clothing to donate. If you’re trying on outfits for a special occasion, it also gives a friend a place to sit, so they can give you their opinion.
  • Adds a touch of luxury: There’s nothing more elegant than a soft, inviting place to sit down in your beautiful closet. It feels sophisticated and high-end, and you’ll love having a little oasis right in your closet.

Tips for implementation:

  • Choose the right seating: You will need to choose a seating option that fits your closet – both in size and in style. An ottoman can be ideal for a smaller space, and it can tuck into a corner or under a shelf when not in use. A chair or even a chaise lounge can work in a larger closet.
  • Consider placement: Make sure your seating is in a place that won’t block your access to other parts of the closet. It should be near where you typically get dressed, but ensure you still have plenty of space to move around, try on different outfits, and so on.
  • Incorporate colors and textures: Your seating can provide a pop of color to your closet. You might choose something, like velvet, suede, or corduroy to add visual interest. Consider a bright or pastel accent color that will bring out the highlights of the space.


A well-designed walk-in closet is more than just a place to stash your clothing; it can become your own personal sanctuary. My clients enjoy special touches ranging from custom shelving and lighting to center islands and comfortable seating. These features will not only improve the practicality of your closet but also add to its aesthetic appeal.

Contact me or a member of my team to discuss your closet. We’d love the opportunity to share our ideas with you during a free consultation in your home. Before you know it, you’ll be able to appreciate your closet as a pleasure to use each day.




Distinctive Closets & Garage has been installing affordable custom closet and garage organization systems since 2005. Whether you are a custom home builder or remodeling your existing home, we focus on your individual needs and listen to what you want to accomplish. Our knowledge and expertise of both the design and installation process will ensure that the new spaces in your home will be functional as well as beautiful. We look forward to earning your business and exceeding your expectations. Ed Hammill - Owner



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